Our manuscript evaluation is geared toward authors who would benefit from a thorough but efficient editorial review of their work. A Latah Books editor will read your manuscript closely to understand its strengths and revision needs. An editor will consider how the book can be improved on the author's terms. Because your manuscript is your work, we strive to provide suggestions that further realize your vision, rather than transposing a new vision onto the book.
After our review, which includes some in-line comments via Track Changes, we will craft an editorial letter that articulates the book's strengths and issues. Beyond this diagnostic work, an editor will suggest some concrete ways to remedy the identified issues. The editorial letter will be at least 1,500 words in length.
Please note that this evaluation considers a book holistically; it is not a copyediting or proofreading service. With that said, a Latah Books editor may point out habitual line-level issues, either via Track Changes or in the editorial letter.
Our rates are based on a manuscript's word count:
- 60,000 words or less: $550
- 60,001 to 90,000 words: $750
- 90,001 to 110,000 words: $950
If your project exceeds 110,000 words and you would like a manuscript evaluation, simply contact us (editor@latahbooks.com).
Latah Books is seeking full-length manuscripts in the following genres: literary, upmarket, and historical novels, superbly crafted mysteries and thrillers, as well as memoirs, travelogues, and other narrative nonfiction works in the realms of history, science, conservation, journalism, and outdoor adventure. Please do not submit uncompleted work. Authors should be submitting their most polished writing. Please adhere to the requirements referenced in the submission form.